Need solutions for the medication, medical appliances and/or medical travel that you can't afford? READ EMPOWER Yourself.
A Health Information Management professional, I survived a life-threatening emergency with information that only a person of my professional experience would know. And I’m sharing it!
The book remains high on the Recommended Reading list at the Musella Foundation site. Buy a copy for yourself or someone else who needs the soothing, can-do suggestions for overcoming emotional and medical - even financial - setbacks. Several media outlets have approached me this year, to ask that I do short updates about health. My voice will soon address your concerns at Israel NewsTalk Radio. Share your questions and concerns with me in the comments section below. Coming up: How to Kill Your Sweet Tooth and other Cravings, Easy Exercise in or Outside the Office, Punch Up Your Protein Level, and how to go Vegan, Vegetarian or Macrobiotic in a Sensible Manner. Tune in for that and more. Watch for the announcement of my debut on Fox-affiliated Israel NewsTalk Radio. Buy the E-book or print edition of EMPOWER Yourself to Cope with a Medical Challenge. Face Your Medical Problems with Dignity.
Face Your Future with Optimism.
Fill your ears and mind with can-do solutions!
B'SD 11 Adar 2, 5776 Purim happens later this week, and I'm baking or cooking holiday delights. Adar is a month of deep spiritual joy and miraculous rescue. Get into the holiday mood with an At-a-Glance look at some of Israel's latest medical innovations plus PCRM's look at the nutrition-arthritis connection:
Learn how to minimize, maybe prevent, complications with your Rheumatoid Arthritis by reading Foods and Arthritis. One more thing: The next time someone accuses Israel and/or her Jews of being racist, evil or cruel, share One Call Awaywith them. Buy the E-book or print edition of EMPOWER Yourself to Cope with a Medical Challenge. Face Your Medical Problems with Dignity.
Face Your Future with Optimism.
Fill your mind with empowering information and choices!
B'SD 27 Adar 1, 5776 My longtime real life friend Jesica Backal Meyers is an unusually wonderful person: Spirited, funny, and motivational. I have literally helped her to deal with her lifelong lymphedema, a painful, possibly debilitating accumulation of body fluids. Unmanaged, and sometimes despite the best management, lymphedema causes scarring from skin stretched past its elastic capacity. Jes is helping to raise awareness about lymphedema, which causes many complications for people who have it. Here's her message, from Facebook:
Hi all,
Today marks the start of Lymphedema Awareness Month.
What only close family and friends know, is that I am a Lymphie Warrior (what those of us who have LE are called, and believe you me, a fierce warrior is what you HAVE to be to battle this nasty thing!). I have lived with this awful, unpredictable, often misdiagnosed, difficult to manage, debilitating disease since I was a little girl. Thankfully, right now, I have it relatively under control smile emoticon .
The reason I'm "coming out" now (and this is freakin' hard!), is that thousands of us Lymphies all over the world have made a promise that this is the year we will become pro-active in raising awareness of this disease in order to help others to identify LE, to get a correct diagnosis and to recognize the importance of embarking on the life-long, time-consuming, but imperative, protocol that controls the progression of LE (also finding a cure would be knda awesome). Please take a minute to read the infographic I attached to see if you or someone you know may be suffering from this condition. If you want more info, please feel free to pm me. BTW, I am very proud to say that Israel has an amazing LE support network!!!! May Hashem grant all of us a refuah shlayma from whatever ails us. . #curelymphedema#lymphiewarriors#staylymphiestrong#lymphedemaawarenessmonth
Here's a website that explains how to care for yourself or for someone who has lymphedema: Key Points about Lymphedema. Israel's lymphedema sites are in Hebrew,in English, and in Russian. Need affordable, possibly no-cost medical equipment for your condition? Find out how to get some from the charitable organizations listed in the E-book or print edition of EMPOWER Yourself to Cope with a Medical Challenge. Face Your Medical Problems with Dignity.
Face Your Future with Optimism.
Fill your mind with accurate information and reasonable choices.
B'SD 22 Adar 1, 5776 The world is full of cyberthieves, and full of robbers who work without computers, too. MANY of them are interested in stealing your medical information in order to receive free health care (at your physical, medical, emotional and financial expense), free drugs, and/or blackmail money. Because of them, I'm warning you: Seriously, you NEED to preserve your medical records, and those of everyone in the family. ASAP. Need more proof? Read:
Area hospitals are riddled with cybersecurity flaws that could allow attackers to hack into medical devices and harm patients, a team of Baltimore-based researchers…
Need to know a streamlined way to preserve your medical history?
Protect yourself and your loved ones. Learn how to preserve your medical histories simply, safely and carefully. In the event of cybertheft of your medical identity(ies), you'll have proof of your actual medical needs and history. Still don't believe that you need to take protective action? Look at the results below for one simple GOOGLE search for the phrase "Why thieves steal medical records":
Mar 29, 2015 - Why Thieves Want to Steal Your Medical Records ... personal information in order to receive medical care, buy drugs, or submit fake claims.
Aug 7, 2015 - Thieves use stolen personal data to get treatment, drugs, medicalequipment ... A patient's record may show she has diabetes when she doesn't, say, ....“They steal your medical identity and have a procedure or treatment ...
Thieves steal your personal information to line their own pockets with fraudulent ...Unless you check your medical records closely, you may discover you were ... use your identity to obtain prescription drugs to sell, or feed their own addictions.
Sep 26, 2014 - Tags: crime, cybercrime, data breaches, fraud, medicine, theft ... and if they have a health record to steal they've been to the same facilities.
Feb 7, 2014 - Meanwhile, the law's emphasis on digitizing medical records, touted as a way to boost ... of Medicaid patients in order to illegally obtain prescription drugs. ...ranging from stealing laptops to hacking into computer networks, ...
Sep 24, 2014 - Fraudsters use this data to create fake IDs to buy medical equipment ordrugs that can be resold, or they combine a patient number with a false ...
Jan 7, 2015 - ... to electronic medical records, hackers are finding that stealing your... also using it to illegally obtain prescription drugs or medical equipment.
Oct 3, 2014 - Why would a thief want to know you had knee surgery or are onmedication of pneumonia? What's forgotten is that these records include all of ...
Medical identity theft occurs when someone steals your personal information (like your... obtain medical care, buy drugs, or submit fake billings to Medicare in your name. you if wrong information ends up in your personal medical records.
Save yourself and your loved ones from avoidable grief and endangerment. Buy the E-book or print edition of EMPOWER Yourself to Cope with a Medical Challenge. Find out how to easily preserve your medical histories so that you can protect your health and the family's. The book can't stop thieves, but it can inform you how to preserve your medical identity so that you can receive the care you need. Face Your Medical Problems with Dignity.
Face Your Future with Optimism.
Fill your schedule with necessary to-do tasks. Then DO THEM!