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Sunday, August 16, 2015

Reaching Your Own Level of Remarkable Resilience


2 Elul, 5775

The Jewish year is ending with the month of Elul. It's a time for introspection.

This article addresses the topic of remarkable resilience to suffering. The words "resilience and recovery do not require extraordinary resources or an innate toughness, but rather a willingness to adapt to circumstances" strike me as profound.

Why some people are more resilient to trauma

The secrets of extreme survivors

Why some people are more resilient to trauma

Need to learn how to reframe your agony so you can go forward? Read Refining Silver in  the E-book or print edition of EMPOWER Yourself to Cope with a Medical Challenge

Mental health professionals 
recommend the book.

Face Your Medical Problems with Dignity. Face Your Future with Optimism.

Fill your life with meaning that motivates you to be at peace with the past.

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