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Need solutions for the medication, medical appliances and/or medical travel that you can't afford? READ EMPOWER Yourself.

A Health Information Management professional, I survived a life-threatening emergency with information that only a person of my professional experience would know. And I’m sharing it!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Deep Sea Diving in a Wheelchair


6 Sivan, 5773

I've been enjoying the Lights Festival in Jerusalem, Israel the past few days. I mentioned to friends that it's a miracle I can see the many steps and Jerusalem stone paths, even in darkness. I prayed thanks to GOD for that.

My determination to never let my vision disability disrupt my joy in life is a huge factor in the quality of my life. GOD is in the details. 

I keep the door open to miraculous possibilities. 

You can read about how to do that in

Here's another woman's take on living life to the fullest despite medical or disability issue.

Read all about how to EMPOWER Yourself to Cope with a Medical Challenge. Live and enjoy your own excitement!

Face Your Medical Problems with Dignity.

Face Your Future with Optimism. See and live life with fulfilling perspective. 


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