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Saturday, November 7, 2009

Avoid "The Horror of a Life HALF Lived." Enjoy Becoming a Healthier YOU!


21 Cheshvan 5770

First, a BIG THANK YOU to readers who've bought

Sales are rising. That's good for me and for my readers ;^ )

See the right-hand margin for what BookBuzzr fan Robert Hunds said of his take on the book.

Now, back to the rest of this blogpost ;^ )

YOWZA! My messages about non-vegetarian diets, food additives and biologically friendly hormones came on strong last week. Let's look at the issues again, with calming clarity. My book and blog put YOU in charge of your life, health and future to a large extent.

It's not your fault that you like carefully, cunningly marketed products. Advertisements can mislead you; they're designed to dampen your critical thinking skills. Chemical cocktails in popular treats lull you into complacency as you load up on no-nutrition calories and chow down with misguided, health-endangering cheer. Madison Avenue is very invested in making you feel insecure if you fail to follow the lead of greedy marketers who, uh, will not chip in for your future health care costs.

It's not YOUR fault that you enjoy colorful, long-lasting treats! Meat is delicious and nutritious. Well, it used to be. Those non-nutritious additives put into cold cuts, frozen foods and drive-thru meals are NOT user-friendly. They attack your well-being. So do snack foods and just about any processed and packaged food.

Pesticides can kill your health just as they kill off bugs.

Flavor enhancers are Fake Food Flavor,
Fooling with every mouthful as marketers
con your taste buds with killer contaminants!


Preservatives undermine basic body functions

Canned goods and other packaged foods such as cereals, snacks, etc. hold far more sugar and salt than a body needs. Your scale isn't lying when it reflects that you've packed on unnecessary pounds.


They messed with your mind.
They're ruining your health:

Obesity Linked to Specific Cancers

European Doctors Seek to End
Cancer & Other Diet-Linked
Chronic Diseases

Novelist Herman Melville shared a powerful thought. I've added one word: Avoid "The Horror of a Life HALF Lived." EMPOWER yourself to live life as health-FULLY as possible.

Go organic with that chicken, beef and other meats. Buy simple, unadulterated foods at whole foods markets, health food shops and directly from organic farmers.

Non-enhanced produce is colorful and calming. Simple foods hold a bouquet of enticing smells and flavors. You'll delight in them as you discover whole food heaven.

Take pride in your effort to reduce the dietary depth bombs attacking your very being. Smile with increasing sparkle in your eyes. Delight in decreased pain. Dance heart and soul as you decrease your dangerous dietary choices. Your decisions and self-control could put you back on steadier feet!

Increase the body-building whole foods in your diet. Slim down into a better-nourished person without feeling hungry. Your spirit can soar when you allow yourself to feel and to be better off!

Take control. Embrace a healthier life.

EMPOWER Yourself to Cope with a Medical Challenge.

Yocheved Golani
Coping with a Medical Crisis?
Make the Changes You Need in Your Life

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