16 Tishrei, 5768
A survivor of five brain tumors and various treatments to successfully remove them, I'm an avid fan of www.meningiomamommas.org, a site devoted to survivors of Meningioma Brain Tumors. The site has several posts this week about negative emotions following diagnosis and surgery or other treatments. The messages pain my heart.
One of the features of It's MY Crisis! is the number of emotional coping resources that I present throughout the book. I hope that members of the Meningioma Mommas (and Poppas) group, and people with any sort of medical or psychological diagnosis, will make good use of my book.
I want to put in a plug for Liz Holzmer, creator of www.meningiomamommas.org. She is a powerhouse, raising funds and public awareness about the type of brain tumor labeled Meningioma. It is hardly the benign anomaly that much of the medical world believes. Meningiomas are devasting to mind and body, let alone to the heart and soul. ICD-10 creators and the rest of the medical world need to realize this in order to help people with meningiomas to heal faster and better.
ICD-10, for those of you who do not recognize the term, is the name of an important book compiled by the World Health Organization. It lists every known disease and form of medical treatment worldwide. ICD-10 is a resource for insurance reimbursement, statistical research, and overall medical record supervision. It and the MERCK manual are indispensable to the medical industry.
It's MY Crisis! And I'll Cry if I Need to: A Life Book to Help You to Dry Your Tears and to Cope with a Medical Challenge bears praise from medical and mental health therapists, a Fortune 500 motivational speaker, clergy of different faiths, an NIH researcher, and other relevant individuals. They all agree: It's MY Crisis! can help you to bear the strain of a medical crisis. The book teaches you how to EASILY use your emotions to help your healing along instead of passively letting them drag you down in the dumps.
I use humor, slices of real life and a personal understanding of how to redirect deep emotional turmoil for your personal betterment or that of a loved one in my book. That helps me to present my ideas to my readers. Many of them (and their care givers) report significant emotional improvement after reading my book.
Buy my book, ease your heart and mind for a mere $13.95. The "Resources" section of It's MY Crisis! will alert you to global outlets for assistance that you might want or need.
* Free or price-reduced medicine? I list ways to get them.
* Want to join clinical trials and receive free medical care? Find out how in my book.
* Need some uplifting stuff to read or to hear on CD, tape or in mass media? Check out my book.
* Want to hire medical clowns?
* Order meals for the bed-bound?
* Learn how to travel across town or around the world in dignity despite debilitating realities?
Buy It's MY Crisis! and learn what to do in one reading!
It's MY Crisis! is a book to share with loved ones, friends, and clients of medical and mental health organizations. Pharmacists , owners of gyms, spas and other health-oriented businesses can provide It's MY Crisis! to their clientele. Hospital gift shops can easily stock my book.
Buy your copy directly from Booklocker publishing at http://www.booklocker.com/books/3067.html and in select stores. It’s MY Crisis! can be shipped worldwide. Specialty editions are available for large organizations.
Save money on bulk orders.
E-mail angela - at - booklocker.com. Or visit https://secure.booklocker.com:443/booklocker/wholesale/order.php
As I celebrate the closing of the Jewish holiday season (this week we are living our lives in huts called Sukkot, to demonstrate our reliance on GOD's beneficence), I ask your understanding for my few posts this month.
To your good health, Yojeved
Save your sanity, time & money!
Need solutions for the medication, medical appliances and/or medical travel that you can't afford? READ EMPOWER Yourself.
A Health Information Management professional, I survived a life-threatening emergency with information that only a person of my professional experience would know. And I’m sharing it!
Friday, September 28, 2007
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Hear Me Speak in Your Community
8 Tishrei 5768
I'm impressed at how many people called me about speaking engagements. I've also received E-mails on that subject, plus face-to-face enquiries.
Yes, I am willing to speak before audiences about my recovery and about how I wrote It's MY Crisis! . And I will be delighted to do book signings.
Just let me know when and where you wish to have me speak, and I'll take it from there.
To your good health, Yocheved
I'm impressed at how many people called me about speaking engagements. I've also received E-mails on that subject, plus face-to-face enquiries.
Yes, I am willing to speak before audiences about my recovery and about how I wrote It's MY Crisis! . And I will be delighted to do book signings.
Just let me know when and where you wish to have me speak, and I'll take it from there.
To your good health, Yocheved
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Tech Talk at the Speed of Tachyons!
6 Tishrei 5768
Want to calm down after receiving a frightening medical diagnosis? Want to cope with the news to the best of your ability? Read on!
Ever heard of those hard-to-photograph energy particles called Tachyons? Maybe you'll recall hearing about them in association with the String Theory gaining popularity in the science and real worlds. Well, the news about "It's MY Crisis!" is apparently zipping around the world and cyberspace at warp speed. Tachyons seem to be taking the news all over the place ;^ )
Authors need to promote their books and I've been busy selling mine. I touch base with radio show hosts, journalists, and lots of other people, worldwide, as I strive to get the word out about my psyche-saving book. One technique I use is simple E-mail. Another is fax. Posting publicity materials in high-visibility areas in my immediate locale helps, too.
Recipients of my E-mailed and faxed Media Release announcement about the book's publication have obviously been "forwarding" the message around cyberspace and real space. I've been receiving kudos from people I do and do not know. And book sales are going up with all the attention paid to my user-friendly message.
Here are some of the reactions I'm getting from around the wide, wide world:
Readers are learning to cope better with medical crises by reading my book. Buy your copy today, and consider buying one for someone else who needs it. All the information you need is on the left-hand margin and in previous posts to this blog.
To Your Good Health, Yocheved
Want to calm down after receiving a frightening medical diagnosis? Want to cope with the news to the best of your ability? Read on!
Ever heard of those hard-to-photograph energy particles called Tachyons? Maybe you'll recall hearing about them in association with the String Theory gaining popularity in the science and real worlds. Well, the news about "It's MY Crisis!" is apparently zipping around the world and cyberspace at warp speed. Tachyons seem to be taking the news all over the place ;^ )
Authors need to promote their books and I've been busy selling mine. I touch base with radio show hosts, journalists, and lots of other people, worldwide, as I strive to get the word out about my psyche-saving book. One technique I use is simple E-mail. Another is fax. Posting publicity materials in high-visibility areas in my immediate locale helps, too.
Recipients of my E-mailed and faxed Media Release announcement about the book's publication have obviously been "forwarding" the message around cyberspace and real space. I've been receiving kudos from people I do and do not know. And book sales are going up with all the attention paid to my user-friendly message.
Here are some of the reactions I'm getting from around the wide, wide world:
Way to go!- Mike Barnett
The book and your career sound remarkable, simply amazing. I will pass on this book's availability, now that it is out. It sounds so important! I will recommend it and recommend you as a life coach. Wonderful that you do such a service!- Chana Tova Sokol
Sounds like another winner, YG! Should hit the NYT top ten pretty soon.- Al Hattal http://www.biz2bizwriter.com/about.htm
Yiyasher KokhaKhaiKH for this important book. May it have the great success it deserves. I wish I were still reviewing for Publishers Weekly and Kirkus. We were both miraculously saved for a purpose.- Isaac Mozeson, author of Origin of Speeches
Gosh, everyone I know says 'I shoulda' or 'I wish I had...' after they go through something big. You did it! You wrote a book that helps people to cope! It's amazing.- Marla Braun
Wishing you hatzlocha (success) on your book and blessings for a sweet New Year filled with all good things.-S. Greenbaum, creator of Partners in Kindness
Readers are learning to cope better with medical crises by reading my book. Buy your copy today, and consider buying one for someone else who needs it. All the information you need is on the left-hand margin and in previous posts to this blog.
To Your Good Health, Yocheved
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Must-See TV!
4 Tishrei 5768
I don't generally advocate watching television (see my earlier post about a 2-Step Plan for Coping with Negativity), but today I make an exception. If you have access to American cable television broadcasts, be sure to watch what is sure to be a heart-warming program:
Ignore the commercials and focus on the program's hero.
And here's an item I just located on one of Israel's news services, YNet.com. It's about a pianist who raises the morale of seriously wounded and disabled hospital patients: http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3384620,00.html
Easy listening that puts a smile on your lips as well as your heart. To your good health, Yocheved
I don't generally advocate watching television (see my earlier post about a 2-Step Plan for Coping with Negativity), but today I make an exception. If you have access to American cable television broadcasts, be sure to watch what is sure to be a heart-warming program:
Ignore the commercials and focus on the program's hero.
And here's an item I just located on one of Israel's news services, YNet.com. It's about a pianist who raises the morale of seriously wounded and disabled hospital patients: http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3384620,00.html
Easy listening that puts a smile on your lips as well as your heart. To your good health, Yocheved
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Thoughts on The Jewish NewYear (this Wednesday night, Sept. 12 2007)
27 Elul 5767
(updated the 3rd of Tishrei, after Shabbat)
The Jewish year is about to change and I will be taking a break from updating this blog as I pray for the peace and healing of the world at large. Rosh HaShanah, Yom Kipur and Sukkot are times for reflection, a chance to ponder the big questions about life. Here are a few of my thoughts about life, meaning and purpose:
Tekia, a powerful sound of the shofar, is linguistically related to "litkoa," to stick an object in the ground. The sound symbolizes our stake in the relationship with our Creator. The sound literally causes vibration in our feet. It is high drama.
True, we call the upcoming season the Ten Days of Awe. But remember to Whom it is we're praying and pledging homage as we tremble in judgment about our pasts and futures. Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach used to chuckle at this time of year, explaining to one and all that "The Judge is my Abba (Daddy/Papa)." He meant that we are judged with love and mercy, and our efforts to improve mitigate His pending decisions.
As HaShem (GOD) puts us into puzzling and agonizing situations, we can adjust our perspectives to comprehend that we are not being punished, rather we are being educated and perhaps entrusted with a precious opportunity to grow in a spiritual manner. Think of it this way: hindsight about some of your past experiences gives you an understanding, an insight about life, that helps you and maybe even other people to progress. You didn't see your wisdom developing as you experienced shock about some surprising, perhaps chilling situation. Still, you ended up wiser if wearier. Not dumber and defeated.
Another sound of the shofar is Shvarim, the cry of the broken heart so in need of comfort. The Shvarim sounds literally make our chests reverberate.
Teruah, the signal of pomp and circumstance, reminds us to focus on the mental/emotional/spiritual effort to crown GOD as our King. The clear call of Teruah resonantes in our ears, our head.
These are the three sound of the Jewish New Year season. They are designed to drive home several points at the very time we are evaluating our relationships with the world and our Creator. That re-evaluation, coupled with the effect of the shofar's call, can make a serious impact on our perspective.
Suffering is pain without meaning. When you see meaning, relevance, in your troubling situations, then you turn the pain into power. It jettisons you forward. You have a unique gift to contribute to the world.
As the sounds of the shofar reverberate around the world, know that it is your yearnings calling to GOD and He/She calling to you as well. BTW, Jewish tracts and tradition teach us that GOD is not limited by human realities such as gender and abilitiy. GOD is omnipotent and beyond human limitations or frailties.
As for the love of GOD, consider this: after our season of judgment and awe, Jews are commanded to dwell in rickety booths called sukkot for a week. The sukkot are reminiscent of how GOD protected Jews wandering from Egyptian slavery through the dangerous desert to Israel. We were shielded from the oppressive heat by cloud cover, fed with manna, slaked with flowing water from Miriam's ever-traveling well. Our clothes and footwear never became ragged. No woman miscarried and the sick were healed. Moses created the Cadeusus at GOD's command, to heal the ill. It is today's symbol of medical care: a staff entwined with two snakes.
We celebrate the compassion with which GOD embraces us and our best efforts, and our genuine limitations. It is a Jewish party time with choice foods, charming decorations, song and the sharing of good feelings. Our blessings extend to the world at large.
Praying for your excellent and insightful welfare, Yojeved
(updated the 3rd of Tishrei, after Shabbat)
The Jewish year is about to change and I will be taking a break from updating this blog as I pray for the peace and healing of the world at large. Rosh HaShanah, Yom Kipur and Sukkot are times for reflection, a chance to ponder the big questions about life. Here are a few of my thoughts about life, meaning and purpose:
Tekia, a powerful sound of the shofar, is linguistically related to "litkoa," to stick an object in the ground. The sound symbolizes our stake in the relationship with our Creator. The sound literally causes vibration in our feet. It is high drama.
True, we call the upcoming season the Ten Days of Awe. But remember to Whom it is we're praying and pledging homage as we tremble in judgment about our pasts and futures. Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach used to chuckle at this time of year, explaining to one and all that "The Judge is my Abba (Daddy/Papa)." He meant that we are judged with love and mercy, and our efforts to improve mitigate His pending decisions.
As HaShem (GOD) puts us into puzzling and agonizing situations, we can adjust our perspectives to comprehend that we are not being punished, rather we are being educated and perhaps entrusted with a precious opportunity to grow in a spiritual manner. Think of it this way: hindsight about some of your past experiences gives you an understanding, an insight about life, that helps you and maybe even other people to progress. You didn't see your wisdom developing as you experienced shock about some surprising, perhaps chilling situation. Still, you ended up wiser if wearier. Not dumber and defeated.
Another sound of the shofar is Shvarim, the cry of the broken heart so in need of comfort. The Shvarim sounds literally make our chests reverberate.
Teruah, the signal of pomp and circumstance, reminds us to focus on the mental/emotional/spiritual effort to crown GOD as our King. The clear call of Teruah resonantes in our ears, our head.
These are the three sound of the Jewish New Year season. They are designed to drive home several points at the very time we are evaluating our relationships with the world and our Creator. That re-evaluation, coupled with the effect of the shofar's call, can make a serious impact on our perspective.
Suffering is pain without meaning. When you see meaning, relevance, in your troubling situations, then you turn the pain into power. It jettisons you forward. You have a unique gift to contribute to the world.
As the sounds of the shofar reverberate around the world, know that it is your yearnings calling to GOD and He/She calling to you as well. BTW, Jewish tracts and tradition teach us that GOD is not limited by human realities such as gender and abilitiy. GOD is omnipotent and beyond human limitations or frailties.
As for the love of GOD, consider this: after our season of judgment and awe, Jews are commanded to dwell in rickety booths called sukkot for a week. The sukkot are reminiscent of how GOD protected Jews wandering from Egyptian slavery through the dangerous desert to Israel. We were shielded from the oppressive heat by cloud cover, fed with manna, slaked with flowing water from Miriam's ever-traveling well. Our clothes and footwear never became ragged. No woman miscarried and the sick were healed. Moses created the Cadeusus at GOD's command, to heal the ill. It is today's symbol of medical care: a staff entwined with two snakes.
We celebrate the compassion with which GOD embraces us and our best efforts, and our genuine limitations. It is a Jewish party time with choice foods, charming decorations, song and the sharing of good feelings. Our blessings extend to the world at large.
Praying for your excellent and insightful welfare, Yojeved
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Check Out the Feedback About the Book!
26 Elul 5767
Readers are writing to me and letting me know their high opinions of It's My Crisis! And I'll Cry if I Need To: A Life Book that Helps You to Dry Your Tears and to Cope with a Medical Challenge. Among the favorable comments are:
"This book should become part of the college curriculum for social workers!"
"Packed with impressive research! How did you find out about all these great resources???!!!"
"I'm speechless. You survived all this and you're still smiling? You have a lot to teach the world about how to face hardship."
"I'm telling my friends to get this book!"
"We feel better already!"
"I know someone in the hospital. His wife and the rest of the family are going crazy trying to cope. I'm buying another copy of this book for them!"
Learn why these readers are so impressed with It's My Crisis and I'll Cry if I Need To! Buy your copy (and perhaps copies for a crowd). Here's how:
Buy my book directly from Booklocker Publishing at http://www.booklocker.com/books/3067.html
for individual orders.
Save money on bulk orders when you E-mail angela - at - booklocker.com or go to https://secure.booklocker.com:443/booklocker/wholesale/order.php (business owners, this is for you).
My advice is to order It's MY Crisis! directly through my publisher. Booklocker aims to please and has a better track record at speedy delivery than does the competition.
Buy my book, share it with friends and loved ones, or read it alone. The flexible, comfy paperback is 8.5X11- inches, perfect for sliding into a beach bag, gym tote, briefcase or overnight luggage. Printed on crème-colored paper, the book begins to relax you with the very first page. The headaches that It’s MY Crisis! can solve or prevent for you and/or your loved one are well worth the modest $13.95 (plus shipping) price.
Medical professionals and mental health therapists, clergymen and women, this is a great addition for your resource shelves and waiting rooms. Counselors can even work on the exercises in the book with clients who own their own copies. Enhance the quality of life for your clients. Keep a stack on hand for confidantes and colleagues. Buy several copies of Its MY Crisis! today. Go to https://secure.booklocker.com:443/booklocker/wholesale/order.php and/or send an E-mail to angela - at - booklocker.com.
Charities and other organizations can arrange for special editions addressed to their clients and constituents.
Make arrangements for special editions, inserts and/or dedication pages when you contact me at giveretgolani@gmail.com.
To your good health, Yojeved
Readers are writing to me and letting me know their high opinions of It's My Crisis! And I'll Cry if I Need To: A Life Book that Helps You to Dry Your Tears and to Cope with a Medical Challenge. Among the favorable comments are:
"This book should become part of the college curriculum for social workers!"
"Packed with impressive research! How did you find out about all these great resources???!!!"
"I'm speechless. You survived all this and you're still smiling? You have a lot to teach the world about how to face hardship."
"I'm telling my friends to get this book!"
"We feel better already!"
"I know someone in the hospital. His wife and the rest of the family are going crazy trying to cope. I'm buying another copy of this book for them!"
Learn why these readers are so impressed with It's My Crisis and I'll Cry if I Need To! Buy your copy (and perhaps copies for a crowd). Here's how:
Buy my book directly from Booklocker Publishing at http://www.booklocker.com/books/3067.html
for individual orders.
Save money on bulk orders when you E-mail angela - at - booklocker.com or go to https://secure.booklocker.com:443/booklocker/wholesale/order.php (business owners, this is for you).
My advice is to order It's MY Crisis! directly through my publisher. Booklocker aims to please and has a better track record at speedy delivery than does the competition.
Buy my book, share it with friends and loved ones, or read it alone. The flexible, comfy paperback is 8.5X11- inches, perfect for sliding into a beach bag, gym tote, briefcase or overnight luggage. Printed on crème-colored paper, the book begins to relax you with the very first page. The headaches that It’s MY Crisis! can solve or prevent for you and/or your loved one are well worth the modest $13.95 (plus shipping) price.
Medical professionals and mental health therapists, clergymen and women, this is a great addition for your resource shelves and waiting rooms. Counselors can even work on the exercises in the book with clients who own their own copies. Enhance the quality of life for your clients. Keep a stack on hand for confidantes and colleagues. Buy several copies of Its MY Crisis! today. Go to https://secure.booklocker.com:443/booklocker/wholesale/order.php and/or send an E-mail to angela - at - booklocker.com.
Charities and other organizations can arrange for special editions addressed to their clients and constituents.
Make arrangements for special editions, inserts and/or dedication pages when you contact me at giveretgolani@gmail.com.
To your good health, Yojeved
Friday, September 7, 2007
Order the Book Quickly & Easily!
24 Elul 5767
Calm down and cope with your medical crisis. Share my book with friends and loved ones. Heal together.

It's MY Crisis! And I'll Cry If I Need To: A Life Book That Helps You to Dry Your Tears and to Cope with a Medical Challenge
Rich in resources for healing. Cutting-edge information and great prose.
Copy this into your browser: http://www.booklocker.com/books/3067.html
To your good health, Yojeved
Calm down and cope with your medical crisis. Share my book with friends and loved ones. Heal together.

It's MY Crisis! And I'll Cry If I Need To: A Life Book That Helps You to Dry Your Tears and to Cope with a Medical Challenge
Rich in resources for healing. Cutting-edge information and great prose.
Copy this into your browser: http://www.booklocker.com/books/3067.html
To your good health, Yojeved
Thursday, September 6, 2007
23 Elul 5767
Contact: Yocheved Golani
Ta Doar 36255
Jerusalem, Israel 91361
Phone +972.2.999.8392
For Immediate Release
Readers in Medical Crisis Cope Better with Inspirational New Workbook
Israel – Have you, a friend or a loved one received a nightmarish medical diagnosis? Calm down with It's My Crisis! And I'll Cry if I Need To: A Life Book that Helps You to Dry Your Tears and to Cope with a Medical Challenge by Yocheved Golani and released by Booklocker Publishing (Maine, USA) on Labor Day Weekend 2007.
Defeat Despair with Innovative Book
Physicians know that despair works against the best possible functioning of human bodies. It’s MY Crisis! guides readers towards upbeat outlooks with can-do advice, increasing the chances for successful medical treatments. First, Yocheved validates the need to cry at unsettling medical news. Then she empowers her readers with time-tested coping mechanisms. Readers can take charge of their futures with It's My Crisis!
The book evokes humor, happiness, hope and compassion. Ethereal arms reaching for each other on the book’s cover demonstrate how well It's My Crisis! suits a wide readership. The inspirational message is leaving an indelible mark on society. Here’s why:
· The spiritual content is universal.
· Coping mechanisms in the book are safe, sound, you-can-do-it strategies.
· Reader Comments attest to the book’s effectiveness and popularity at http://itsmycrisisandillcryifineedto.blogspot.com/
Whoever the reader, no matter their medical crisis, this book addresses their needs in a forthright, pro-active manner. If it’s about Latino Liver Awareness or Superior Canal Dehiscence, or even managing emotional and various health problems throughout the family, you’ll find terrific resources here. Readers and loved ones sharing this book with them can become pro-active in making dignified, productive responses to the challenges of medical and emotional crises.
Buy your copy directly from Booklocker publishing at http://www.booklocker.com/books/3067.html and in select stores. It’s MY Crisis! can be shipped worldwide. Specialty editions are available for large organizations.
Doctor Approved
“I’ve given Yocheved’s book to therapists and to several patients on chemotherapy. They found it very helpful.” - Abraham J. Twerski, M.D., Gateways Addiction Rehabilitation Founder and Therapist
International and Interdenominational Praise
“A MUST READ for anyone facing a life-threatening or physically crippling illness... Yocheved’s book provides people with practical advice on how to deal with a crisis… She’s Jewish and I am Christian, but the importance of the spirituality in It’s MY Crisis! was incredibly accurate.”
Carl Phillips, ASTA Certified Hospital Consultant and lay minister
Editor, Wesleyan Way Texas, USA
"The hardest part of any crisis is the worry and fear that accompany it. This life-saving workbook will help you direct your thoughts in positive, constructive ways that will make a big difference for you and your loved one. It's a lantern in a dark night from someone who's 'been there, done that.' And if you follow its suggestions, you'll likely come through the crisis better, not bitter. It's filled with wonderful ideas."
Robin L. Silverman, Fullistic Living(TM) Fortune 500 Motivational Speaker http://www.robinsilverman.com/1a.htm
Learn More at the Book’s Blog
For information on It's My Crisis! And I'll Cry if I Need To: A Life Book that Helps You to Dry Your Tears and to Cope with a Medical Challenge, see http://itsmycrisisandillcryifineedto.blogspot.com/
Money-saving Options
Save money with bulk orders. E-mail angela - at - booklocker.com or go to https://secure.booklocker.com:443/booklocker/wholesale/order.php
About the Author
A former Health Information Management professional, Ms. Yocheved Golani was stricken with five meningioma brain tumors in fifteen years. After recovering from emergency life-saving surgery for her fourth and fifth brain tumors in 2005, Yocheved became a Life Coach and completed her newest book. Contact Yocheved for interviews in Israel by calling +972.2.999.8392. Send E-mail to giveretgolani@gmail.com.
Contact: Yocheved Golani
Ta Doar 36255
Jerusalem, Israel 91361
Phone +972.2.999.8392
For Immediate Release
Readers in Medical Crisis Cope Better with Inspirational New Workbook
Israel – Have you, a friend or a loved one received a nightmarish medical diagnosis? Calm down with It's My Crisis! And I'll Cry if I Need To: A Life Book that Helps You to Dry Your Tears and to Cope with a Medical Challenge by Yocheved Golani and released by Booklocker Publishing (Maine, USA) on Labor Day Weekend 2007.
Defeat Despair with Innovative Book
Physicians know that despair works against the best possible functioning of human bodies. It’s MY Crisis! guides readers towards upbeat outlooks with can-do advice, increasing the chances for successful medical treatments. First, Yocheved validates the need to cry at unsettling medical news. Then she empowers her readers with time-tested coping mechanisms. Readers can take charge of their futures with It's My Crisis!
The book evokes humor, happiness, hope and compassion. Ethereal arms reaching for each other on the book’s cover demonstrate how well It's My Crisis! suits a wide readership. The inspirational message is leaving an indelible mark on society. Here’s why:
· The spiritual content is universal.
· Coping mechanisms in the book are safe, sound, you-can-do-it strategies.
· Reader Comments attest to the book’s effectiveness and popularity at http://itsmycrisisandillcryifineedto.blogspot.com/
Whoever the reader, no matter their medical crisis, this book addresses their needs in a forthright, pro-active manner. If it’s about Latino Liver Awareness or Superior Canal Dehiscence, or even managing emotional and various health problems throughout the family, you’ll find terrific resources here. Readers and loved ones sharing this book with them can become pro-active in making dignified, productive responses to the challenges of medical and emotional crises.
Buy your copy directly from Booklocker publishing at http://www.booklocker.com/books/3067.html and in select stores. It’s MY Crisis! can be shipped worldwide. Specialty editions are available for large organizations.
Doctor Approved
“I’ve given Yocheved’s book to therapists and to several patients on chemotherapy. They found it very helpful.” - Abraham J. Twerski, M.D., Gateways Addiction Rehabilitation Founder and Therapist
International and Interdenominational Praise
“A MUST READ for anyone facing a life-threatening or physically crippling illness... Yocheved’s book provides people with practical advice on how to deal with a crisis… She’s Jewish and I am Christian, but the importance of the spirituality in It’s MY Crisis! was incredibly accurate.”
Carl Phillips, ASTA Certified Hospital Consultant and lay minister
Editor, Wesleyan Way Texas, USA
"The hardest part of any crisis is the worry and fear that accompany it. This life-saving workbook will help you direct your thoughts in positive, constructive ways that will make a big difference for you and your loved one. It's a lantern in a dark night from someone who's 'been there, done that.' And if you follow its suggestions, you'll likely come through the crisis better, not bitter. It's filled with wonderful ideas."
Robin L. Silverman, Fullistic Living(TM) Fortune 500 Motivational Speaker http://www.robinsilverman.com/1a.htm
Learn More at the Book’s Blog
For information on It's My Crisis! And I'll Cry if I Need To: A Life Book that Helps You to Dry Your Tears and to Cope with a Medical Challenge, see http://itsmycrisisandillcryifineedto.blogspot.com/
Money-saving Options
Save money with bulk orders. E-mail angela - at - booklocker.com or go to https://secure.booklocker.com:443/booklocker/wholesale/order.php
About the Author
A former Health Information Management professional, Ms. Yocheved Golani was stricken with five meningioma brain tumors in fifteen years. After recovering from emergency life-saving surgery for her fourth and fifth brain tumors in 2005, Yocheved became a Life Coach and completed her newest book. Contact Yocheved for interviews in Israel by calling +972.2.999.8392. Send E-mail to giveretgolani@gmail.com.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
21 Elul, 5767
My publisher took Labor Day Weekend seriously, making sure that you can buy my book. Booklocker has a reputation for delivering books by its authors faster than other book vendors. After all, it is the source of materials by Booklocker authors. Go to http://www.booklocker.com/books/3067.html
and follow the prompts.
You can also purchase copies at Amazon.com, but it might be slower to arrive: http://www.amazon.com/Its-Crisis-Ill-Cry-Need/dp/1601452780/ref=sr_1_3/105-0730610-7576447?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1188900605&sr=8-3
My book teaches readers how to cope with medical crises emotionally, spiritually and practically. The Resources section informs readers of how to join clinical trials, find cutting-edge professionals, suggested reading materials, resources for ethnic groups with specific disease issues, and more. I recommend that readers buy directly from my publisher so they can receive it faster than through other channels.
Share my book with friends and loved ones. Heal together.
To your good health, Yocheved
My publisher took Labor Day Weekend seriously, making sure that you can buy my book. Booklocker has a reputation for delivering books by its authors faster than other book vendors. After all, it is the source of materials by Booklocker authors. Go to http://www.booklocker.com/books/3067.html
and follow the prompts.
You can also purchase copies at Amazon.com, but it might be slower to arrive: http://www.amazon.com/Its-Crisis-Ill-Cry-Need/dp/1601452780/ref=sr_1_3/105-0730610-7576447?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1188900605&sr=8-3
My book teaches readers how to cope with medical crises emotionally, spiritually and practically. The Resources section informs readers of how to join clinical trials, find cutting-edge professionals, suggested reading materials, resources for ethnic groups with specific disease issues, and more. I recommend that readers buy directly from my publisher so they can receive it faster than through other channels.
Share my book with friends and loved ones. Heal together.
To your good health, Yocheved
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