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A Health Information Management professional, I survived a life-threatening emergency with information that only a person of my professional experience would know. And I’m sharing it!

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

How to Help Yourself and the Wider World at the Same Time


5 Shvat, 5777

Care to catch up with my life? This week I've counseled the friend of a woman with a seriously frightening case of breast cancer, and provided answers to her questions about micronutrients known to help severely ill people. I also helped someone past the puzzlement of having a confusing number of healing options to choose from. In between those interactions I've written a few articles about mental health, cooked some luscious food and spent time with friends. And it's only Wednesday...

Let's look at the future, somewhat. The lovely holiday of Tu B'Shvat is almost here, an occasion for being considerate of the wider world, including its ecology.

While I'm preparing to plant things into the earth, I'd like to share some insights about how to make life better for many people. Read along with me!

This Finnish practice could help prevent infant deaths.

Here's another simple solution to a problem that has not always been addressed in user-friendly ways.

Love What Matters
10 hrs
"Miss Maplethorpe, from our Speech and Language Department created these chairs for our students that have sensory issues. Thank you Miss Maplethorpe.
Sensory s...
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