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A Health Information Management professional, I survived a life-threatening emergency with information that only a person of my professional experience would know. And I’m sharing it!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Why the Western World is in Surprisingly Poor Health


25 Adar 1, 5774

WHEW! Medical Coding classes have filled my daily schedule and free time with lots of work. I study and take exams around the clock. Graduation in May is coming up, so I am uber-focused on completing my hard work and doing well. 

I'm completing a 2-year college course in under one year. LOTS of work!

What I've learned along the way is that the rates of heart disease, cancer, stroke, and mental health problems have risen with the passing years. 

A rather shocking number of people in the Western world are in fragile health. They need to slow down, to enjoy pleasant past times, and to fill up on wholesome foods, not the pre-packaged, highly adulterated stuff sold in stores. That junk is sickening the people who eat it, including children who don't know any better.

Trust the medical world: There is no proof that you need preservatives, color - smell - taste enhancers, pesticides, synthetic hormones or other poisons in your diet. Ever.

I learned the hard way, when I went from blind to sighted by dumping commercially prepared "food" from my menu.

Each year I prepare whole home made foods in the baskets of treats I share with friends on Purim. The happy holiday happens in about 3 weeks. Here's a peek at the highly detailed story: Purim Animated.


Buy the E-book or print edition of EMPOWER Yourself to Cope with a Medical Challenge.  

Face Your Medical Problems with Dignity. Face Your Future with Optimism. 

Fill your lives with what you need.

(PS - Medical Coding is the translation of medical records from hospitals, clinics, private doctor offices etc, into alpha-numeric codes that tell insurers and medical researchers why a specific person needed medical care, what was done for them, what worked or failed and the prognoses for the patient's future)


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