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Today we can look at an important issue in today's digital world: Poor online protection of, and dauntingly easy global access to, your medical files.
I suggest that you keep copies of each and every medical visit plus medical test you experience, as a protective measure should online loss of your medical information happen.
You'd be wise to rehearse, in your mind, how you'd finesse breaches of your personal information, before a sense of panic envelopes you should that breach happen. One idea is to focus on your inner and outer progress since a given point in time. Life lessons, enriching experiences and emotional growth can save a person from despair. So is knowing that you're not the only person vulnerable to irresponsible, evil and harmful people.
How Your Most Private Healthcare Info Can be Revealed Despite Laws Saying Otherwise
By Charles Ornstein
How Your Most Private Healthcare Info Can be Revealed Despite Laws Saying Otherwise
By Charles Ornstein
What a cybersecurity expert accidentally discovered about herself
Discover great storage techniques for your medical data in the E-book or print edition of EMPOWER Yourself to Cope with a Medical Challenge. Buy it today!
Face Your Medical Problems with Dignity. Face Your Future with Optimism.
Fill your medical life with pro-active choices.