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Friday, February 12, 2016

An Exciting Update!


3 Adar 1, 5776

It's the first week of Adar 1 (the Jewish calendar holds TWO - 2 - months of Adar this year) and the joyous month is already filling with happiness for me.

Ginat Rice of Whole Health Forum has invited me to speak as part of a panel discussion about healing at the Whole Health Forum fair scheduled for Wednesday May 18. I'll be appearing on the approximately 8PM-9:30PM panel

Ginat will be leading the discussion by asking each panel member to briefly tell our individual story and then to answer questions that she or the audience raises.

 Here are details about the weeklong event, from one of my facebook pages:

The Rice House is pleased to announce the first ever “Whole Health Forum,” an educational gathering for health conscious English speakers in Israel. Our vision is a gathering of friends devoted to a large life of joy and learning.

From Sunday, May 15th to to Friday May 20 over 65 speakers will present workshops each day ranging from body movement, cooking classes, presentations by medical professionals, happiness training, voice therapy, herbology, homeopathy, EFT, reflexology, and so much more.

We will gather in the beautiful Judean hills at the Essene Farm in Even Sapir near the Hadassah hospital in Ein Kerem.
Accommodations are either in hay bale guest houses with 6 to a cabin, or for a reduced price in your own tent or on provided mattresses indoors or out. There are also BnB options nearby, from simple to luxurious.
Internationally-trained natural foods chefs will present three top-quality meals a day of kosher, gluten-free, macrobiotic creations.
Private therapeutic sessions will be available all week and vendors will offer their wares and services.
We are offering discounts for work-study helpers in the area of kitchen and dining room, tech support, drivers, and more.
You may register to attend the Whole Health Forum with early bird discounts until February 29:
• at
• by contacting us at
• or by phone: 052-365-0004 or 052-706-5002
L’hitraot and see you there!
Sheldon and Ginat Rice

I'll update you about any schedule changes.

Oh - if you're interested in knowing why I was invited, here's the explanation in brief. I had sent the following (excerpted)  message to Ginat. It resulted in that invitation mentioned above:

... My EMPOWER Yourself to Cope with a Medical Challenge print and E- book book has sold worldwide since the first edition came out in 2009. The updated version became available in 2011. The 3rd updated edition is in preparation. The books explain how I went from blind to sighted following a benign brain tumor that crushed my optic and other nerves. 

Doctors despaired that I would ever see again. I turned to the natural healing arts, and thrilled to the miracles that followed. One of them is my ever-lowered prescription for glasses. I'm now wearing the 21st pair prescribed since 2006. Each set of glasses is weaker than the last! I see better over time. My overall health rivals that of a woman half my age.

I'm certified in counseling skills by Refuah Institute and an experienced public speaker. If you'd like to have me speak about Empowering Your Coping Mechanisms, I'd be pleased to participate in the May 15-20 gathering for English speakers...

 Now you know why you or someone you care about  need to read - and to heed - the laugh-out-loud life lessons, and more serious matters, in

Buy the E-book or print edition of EMPOWER Yourself to Cope with a Medical Challenge. Learn about the charitable organizations ready to help you with your medical or mental health situation.

Find out how to prepare for hospital stays, what to tell rude doctors and relatives, and how to get your grin back despite the pain and fear in your life.

Face Your Medical Problems with Dignity. Face Your Future with Optimism.

Fill your life with health-promoting options!