27 Cheshvan, 5774
The (UN)Affordable Healthcare Act, Halloween, Thanks giving and Hanuka plus Xmas seasons are upon many agendas. But it's hard to enjoy the fun stuff when healthcare issues seem to be plaguing you.
One quick look at headlines tells a scary story:
Obama blames 'bad apple insurers' for canceled health plans...
'Just shop around'...
Heckled during speech...
'Just shop around'...
Heckled during speech...
President Barack Obama was wrong to demonize his political opponents in a Boston healthcare speech Wednesday, says Dr. Ben Carson, a noted opponent of Obamacare. [Full Story]
You can change that from scary to merry with a decision. Decide to take charge of your life, and to leave politicians out of it.
Buy the E-book or print edition of EMPOWER Yourself to Cope with a Medical Challenge.
As the book will tell you, new beginnings are hard. But a better future can't happen unless you take those first steps towards it.
The fear and concern are normal.
The book holds some laugh-out-loud moments to soothe and to reassure you. You can choose to end much of your misery.
Face Your Medical Problems with Dignity. Face Your Future with Optimism.
Fend off the fear with facts that can help you. And enjoy some laughs along the way.