4 Nisan, 5778
It's the Jewish month of Nisan, a time for fresh beginnings and freedom from negativity.
While I was wearing myself out advocating for other people these past few weeks, I was recovering from a freak accident. I'd slipped off a stage weeks ago, due to being unaware that water was on the floor. My foot and ankle broke as I crashed into furniture and the floor below me.
My cast was removed two weeks ago. My walking boot came off this past Sunday. Ready for the shocker?
This morning my physical therapist and I were surprised as I demonstrated being weeks ahead of the planned physical therapy regimen. The Rofe Holim (GOD the Healer) made my foot very flexible and strong, and at my age! Among other things, I can actually do two warm-up exercises for ballet dancers!
I'm able to do all the flexibility and weight-bearing exercises assigned to me this morning. The instructions are to do them repeatedly throughout the day. I'm to continue walking up/down the 3 flights of stairs in my building as necessary - while wearing my backpack. The staircase that hurts my foot like H-E-double hockey-stix is actually good for my recovery.
All written medical reports indicate that I have no limitations as to walking or weight-bearing. I still lack the ability to run, but that will come with time.
I wrote a letter of praise for the therapist and gave it to his supervisor. Folks, this is astonishing stuff. The foot is weeks ahead of normal recovery. WEEKS!
And yes, the physical therapist asked me what I'm doing to heal so fast. I responded "Organic food, MSM powder mixed with water to prevent scar tissue (THAT clearly worked!), and a strong desire to heal - with GOD's blessings."
Too bad that the Israeli medical system doesn't employ motivational coaches. I bet that I could help some people willing to cooperate with my input. I feel like dancing!
All the best,
Yocheved Golani, Content provider and editor
I'm convinced that my body heals in wonderful ways due to being fed an organic diet. The commercially processed poisons in the bodies of other people simply complicate recovery from anything, let alone illness.
My attitude is another factor. I envision improvements and let them happen.
You can read all about that, and mimic me, after you focus on
Buy the E-book or print edition of EMPOWER Yourself to Cope with a Medical Challenge.
Face Your Medical Problems with Dignity.
Face Your Future with Optimism.
Fill your potential. Heal with a sense of humor.