Need solutions for the medication, medical appliances and/or medical travel that you can't afford? READ EMPOWER Yourself.
A Health Information Management professional, I survived a life-threatening emergency with information that only a person of my professional experience would know. And I’m sharing it!
B'SD 24/25 Kislev, 5773 Chag urim samayakh is Hebrew for "May your Chanuka be filled with spiritual light/happiness." Hanuka is a holiday of dedication to morality, the ideals of being ever-better than you were yesterday; living under the guidance of GOD.
Happy Hanuka, Chanuka, however you care to spell it.
Buy the E-book or print edition of EMPOWER Yourself to Cope with a Medical Challenge. Face Your Medical Problems with Dignity.
Face Your Future with Optimism. Fill your life with healing light and soothing music.
B'SD 21 Kislev, 5773 Brain cancer is a terrifying diagnosis. The medical world, thank GOD, is blessed with medical professionals full of compassion and eager to help their patients. One of them is dedicated to ridding the world of brain tumors with cures and preventatives: Dr Al Musella. Dr. Musella's marvelous organization is featured among many others in the Global Resources section of
Here is one of his newest patient-friendly presentations to the world, How to Understand Your Pathological Report (for a glioblastoma brain tumor):
Need more information that helps you to
Face your fears,
Answer your questions and
Meets your need to organize your medical life?
Buy the E-book or print edition of EMPOWER Yourself to Cope with a Medical Challenge. Face Your Medical Problems with Dignity.
Face Your Future with Optimism. Feel better with a better understanding of what's going on.
advocate facing your medical future with dignity and optimism. I sign off with such a sentiment each time I post some content.
I also advocate fun.
Take a look at someone who knew how to teach all of us the lessons, in My New Hero, courtesy of Share the courage! Get insight into what this is all about. Buy the E-book or print edition of EMPOWER Yourself to Cope with a Medical Challenge. Face Your Medical Problems with Dignity. Face Your Future with Optimism.
Spread them around at Hanuka, or any holiday time.
Israel-based Dr Singer-Jordan remarks that "... the salient point in this country and our hospital is that the actual portal of access to the system is through OB/GYN - I don’t admit patients, [I] just do plumbing…"
He alerted that I'd erred a bit with yesterday's post: "This is known as Interventional Radiology, so the term non- invasive is not quite accurate. "All those 3 videos are showing the same thing, the injection AFTER embolization when we see the normal blood vessels and no bleeding - they are just at different frame rates. [Note from Yocheved: I'd meant to note that yesterday. I've had several technical difficulties with blogspot, though. I'm keeping the videos up to suit various online needs for speed].
"Although Vancouver is a beautiful city I am actually from England via Edmonton (11 years) and Toronto (11 years) and now Ma'alot (19 years)."
A blurb about the problems that Dr Singer-Jordan addresses in the video(s):
"Placenta Accreta is a condition in which the placenta penetrates abnormally into or beyond the wall of the uterus and can cause catastrophic bleeding when it detaches. It can usually be diagnosed by ultrasound; women with previous Caesarian section are a high risk group.
"To avoid massive bleeding we place tiny balloons in the arteries that supply the uterus immediately before Caesarian section. By inflating the balloons we drastically reduce the bleeding and most times the uterus can be repaired.
"Persistent bleeding or postpartum bleeding from other causes can be treated by embolization - using a small tube inserted through the artery in the groin to inject material directly into the bleeding blood vessels and close them from the inside."
The good doctor (he seems magical!) works with Prof Ofir, the head of the hospital's High Risk Pregnancy unit.
Stand by for updates! She seems agreeable to sending me something that addresses the interaction of the clinicians involved in saving maternal and fetal lives.
B'SD 16 & 17 Kislev, 5773 Whew, I've resolved the technical details that messed me up earlier. Here are those promised presentations about placental problems, courtesy of Dr. Jonathan Singer-Jordan. He works in Israel's western Galilee Formerly of Vancouver, Canada, the doctor speaks English in the videos. The doctor chatted with me and some friends after an academic presentation and permits me to share these educational materials with you. I appreciate that he'd mentioned "You understood these videos well!" The videos are all the same, but operate at different speeds. Use the one best suited for your online needs.
I hope that these presentations educate and help you. Buy the E-book or print edition of EMPOWER Yourself to Cope with a Medical Challenge. Face Your Medical Problems with Dignity.
Face Your Future with Optimism. Face your pregnancy with information you need to know.
B'SD 15 Kislev, 5773 I apologize for my unintended silence.A doctor prepared some outstanding material and then edited it for patient privacy so I could share it on this blog. I've had several technical issues to finesse. Please stand by for updates about how to cope with Placenta Previa, Placenta Accreta and more. You won't be disappointed! Buy the E-book or print edition of EMPOWER Yourself to Cope with a Medical Challenge. Learn how to face and to finesse a range of emotional reactions to any sort of medical issue. Face Your Medical Problems with Dignity.
Face Your Future with Optimism. Fight fear with knowledge and sensible options suited to your needs.
B'SD 4 Kislev, 5774 Some days, we all lose patience at dealing with something or other. Then we can step back, try to see the larger picture, and calm down. Life is about taking one sensible step at a time. There's no reason to take out frustration on other people. They don't deserve to be punished because you're in a bad mood.
Need user-friendly help with developing a more pleasant attitude? Read up on how to do that in the E-book or print edition of EMPOWER Yourself to Cope with a Medical Challenge. You can perfect your behavior. And that can dramatically lower the cost of what's bothering you. Face Your Medical Problems with Dignity.
Face Your Future with Optimism. Face the world with the dignity it, and you, deserve.
B'SD 30 Cheshvan, 5774 Tomorrow will be the first day of the spiritually lit month of Kislev (Chanuka time!). It neatly coincides with November, the RSD/CRPS month. What an opportune time to end a lot of agony.
If you scroll around this blog enough, you'll come upon the story of how I endured and RECOVERED from RSD/CRPS in a shockingly short time. My whole medical team dropped its collective jaw as I practiced what I preach about a healthy sense of humor in
Read this relevant blogpost at Boo-BooBarbieLaughs Her Way to Better Health. Sure, I wept in agony before I realized my way out of the problem. The simplicity of it all was key to the recovery.
I'm convinced that RSD/CRPS is
a defense mechanism.
I've spoken with orthopedic
rehab professionals about that.
They're inclined to agree that
is a possibility.
I used humor and self-empowerment
to end RSD/CRPS agony.
Maybe you can, too.
A medical crisis - you'd cry too, if it happened to you. Use your tissues and handkerchiefs with my blessings borne of experience. GOD gives you Permission to Weep. And you can say that to any critics after explaining that "It's MY Crisis! And I'll Cry if I Need To." Buy the E-book or print edition of EMPOWER Yourself to Cope with a Medical Challenge. Face Your Medical Problems with Dignity.
Face Your Future with Optimism. Overcome pain with compassion for yourself and others.