Save your sanity, time & money!

Need solutions for the medication, medical appliances and/or medical travel that you can't afford? READ EMPOWER Yourself.

A Health Information Management professional, I survived a life-threatening emergency with information that only a person of my professional experience would know. And I’m sharing it!

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Can-do Emotional Strength Lessons: The Lesson Plan


5 Kislev, 5778

I've done life-coaching work with ill people since recovering from my medical setbacks (I earned my counseling credentials before and after life-saving surgery). 

We focus on the choices that my clients can make, the resources available to them, and their need to bolster a sense of courage.

They tend to do quite well, achieving newly identified goals and increased inner strength before we complete our 6 meetings.

As I interact with people in my coaching efforts, public speaking engagements and private encounters over the years, however, I've realized that many people simply do not know how to feel courageous. 

Basic concepts about 
how to develop courage
 are missing 
from pubic awareness.

Yes, clergy of various faiths teach about emotional and spiritual strength, but the lessons are not helping all that many people. The opioid crisis around the world illustrates the reality: People find it hard or impossible to deal with emotional turmoil and physical pain.

There are can-do solutions for the average person. I've written about that before. 

Nobody has to be born impervious to unhappiness to overcome it.

I'm preparing a proposal to teach emotional fortitude in schools, business sites and other venues, in order to repair the problem as much as I can. My goal is that people will learn how to increase their emotional strength in innovative, user-friendly ways.

I welcome your thoughts about that.

What do YOU believe 
that people need to learn 
in order to be strong?

And HOW do you believe 
that courage can be taught?

You can share your ideas in the "comment" icon below this blogpost, or send them to me via

Go ahead, grab some paper, 
jot down your ideas and 
please share them with me. 


Buy the E-book or print edition of EMPOWER Yourself to Cope with a Medical Challenge

Face Your Medical Problems with Dignity. Face Your Future with Optimism.

Fill your heart and mind with self-control and fortitude.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

How to Gain Mental/Emotional Strength Just Because YOU Want to!


4 Kislev, 5778

The skies and soil of Israel are filled with blessed rains. Somehow, rainy days let me ponder heartwarming thoughts better than on clear days.

When a person needs to change the way they respond to setbacks or unhappiness, so that they can go forward, they need to pretend that they are feeling more positively than they do feel.

Repeated practice lets a person gain insight into the emotions and insights of purposely positive behavior.

Eventually those upbeat ideas become part of their thinking process.

Go ahead, earn some Oscars. Act as if you're the person you want to meet. Be heroic, kind, patient. Do that until the traits become your automatic responses to stress.

Need a motivational thought to get you going? Try: 

"I am not what happened to me, 
I am what I choose to become." 
- Carl Jung

Keep trying. 

When you want some tips on how to persevere despite the pain, buy the E-book or print edition of EMPOWER Yourself to Cope with a Medical Challenge

Face Your Medical Problems with Dignity. Face Your Future with Optimism.

Fill your efforts with productive purpose. The payoff is wonderful!

Monday, November 20, 2017

Why YOU Need to Motivate Yourself!


2 Kislev, 5778

I've dried many tears in order to 
share this message with you.

Two hours ago I returned home from a sophisticated vision exam, in the hospital where I'd had life-saving surgery in 2005 to remove the benign Petroclival Tentorial Meningioma that had crushed my optic nerves plus part of my brain. It had almost killed me.

Though the surgeon removed the tumor, I was left completely blind. I was so weak that I'd needed a wheelchair to get around. 

I graduated to a walker.

Then to a cane.

Then I walked on my own power, seeing what was before me. It was an ever-better future.

Though doctors had despaired that I'd recover much from the devastation of the tumor and surgery, their jaws have dropped and lifted several times over the years as they examine me and monitor my gradual recovery from HUGE physical trauma.

I keep seeing better at each exam.
The prescription for my glasses 
keeps falling.

It is 
less powerful
over time.

I have lost much of the vertigo (imbalance) and double vision plaguing me since the day of life-saving surgery. Even the odd movements of my eyes (strabismus) have lessened to a great extent.

The lead doctor following my case announced today that "Full credit" is due me for my motivation to recover, that I never abandoned that goal. He cited the fact that I have used "many" alternative healing strategies, and that they had clearly helped me.

For the record, not one hospital doctor knew how to help me to see again. My innovative optometrist did, and so did my alternative healing advisors. GOD blessed us with success.

I've prayed, I've eaten only organic food, I wear only natural fibers, I do specific eye exercises to strengthen the optic muscles, I laugh and look for reasons to smile. I do more than that to heal, but you get the idea.

Folks, I simply lack the words to tell you what's in my heart. But listen to my doctor: MOTIVATE yourself to heal, to cope, to accept your new realities and to deal with them forthrightly. 

Anger, revenge, bitterness and any sort of negativity prevents healing and coping from happening.

Yes, you need time to grieve what's been lost. The purpose of grieving is to reach a state of acceptance.

Accept your reality. Face it head-on. And figure out how best to resolve the problems, to soothe yourself, and to get your grin back.

Life can be worth living if YOU make it so.

Buy the motivational, can-do E-book or print edition of EMPOWER Yourself to Cope with a Medical Challenge

Face Your Medical Problems with Dignity. Face Your Future with Optimism.

Fill YOUR life with medical miracles.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Pressure Creates Diamonds. Become the Diamond that YOU Want to SHINE!


26 Cheshvan, 5778

Another shooting of innocents (in California, this time), more heartache and inexplicable misery at the hands of malcontents.

The world at large, including the USA, is in desperate need of mental health skills education programs throughout schools, businesses, and the rest of society.

Meanwhile, the rest of us need some comforting. I hope that this motivational message soothes you.

 Be the type of person you want to meet.

Boost your abilities to overcome challenges. Read the E-book or print edition of EMPOWER Yourself to Cope with a Medical Challenge

Face Your Medical Problems with Dignity. Face Your Future with Optimism.

Fill your time with strengthening thoughts and resolve.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

How to Cope with, and Minimize, Inner Pain


20 Cheshvan, 5778

One glance at the morning headlines left me with a need to shut off the input. So much crime and heartache. 

Having experienced both, I understand the agony in the hearts of many people. Someone in the midst of suffering that seems overwhelming, to the point of not being able to envision a sweeter future, is feeling pure agony.

I offer some insights that you might find inspirational and soothing from a speaker whose remarks and books I enjoy:

 "Emotions are a call to action."  
"The journey is the destination."

And to paraphrase a long lecture from this man, I'll add 

"A woman twisting
 in the throes of birth pains 
does not suffer. 
Yes she is in pain, 
but knowing that the pain 
is directed at producing a life, 
giving birth to another soul, 
fills her with pleasure. 
She is partnering with GOD
in the creation of life."

– Rabbi David Aaron

My thoughts on the matter: 
"All of us mortals 
who experience 
searing emotional pain
over some issue or event
are giving birth 
to the development 
of our souls.

Our inner strengths are galvanizing 
as our insights grow.

Yes we weep, 
but we come away
from such experiences
with greater emotional 
and spiritual power."

Do what you can to restore your weary spirits when you feel worn out and clueless. Reach out to trusted confidantes, and indulge in activities which soothe you.

Do not drown your pain in mindless, harmful activities. Let the pain alert you to the nobleness of your very self, of your integrity. 

Let it guide you to greater achievements.


Read the "Polishing Silver" story in

Buy the E-book or print edition of EMPOWER Yourself to Cope with a Medical Challenge

Face Your Medical Problems with Dignity. Face Your Future with Optimism.

Fill your heart with happiness, on purpose.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Facing the Future Despite the Painful Past


18 Cheshvan, 5778

Headlines continue to hold evidence that malcontents already on law enforcement and mental health services radar remain free to strike defenseless innocents once again.

It's becoming somewhat of a repetitive pattern in the USA and elsewhere.

Survivors are increasingly focused on finding motivation to continue their lives, sad as they may feel.

They struggle to face the future despite a painful past.

They and you might appreciate this article about a hero who proved the efficacy of his teachings.

I hope that the article helped you and that you will seek out Logotherapy materials to help yourself to face a future despite your present pain.


Buy the E-book or print edition of EMPOWER Yourself to Cope with a Medical Challenge

Face Your Medical Problems with Dignity. Face Your Future with Optimism.

Fill your thoughts with constructive meaning.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Cost-Cutting Information for Medical Bills in a Soothing Manner


13 Cheshvan, 5778

Medical realities can be frightening, expensive and painful. 

Learn how to lower the cost to your emotions and wallet.

I read the news item below and knew that the world needs to know of the cost-cutting information in the Global Resources section of

Find out how to acquire 1st-quality care, medication, medical appliances, medical transportation, medical service pets, even help with paying some or all of your specific medical bills. 

Read the Global Resources information in the back of the EMPOWER Yourself book, over and over, to be sure that you don't overlook something relevant to you.

I collected necessary information to help you with just about any diagnosis.

Here's an illustration of why I knew that gathering the information for my readers was necessary:

Cost of breast cancer burdensome for many patients

When Roberta Woodard underwent breast cancer treatment last year, the disease took a toll not only on her health, but also on her bank account. The first part of her treatment was one day of intense chemotherapy per week for 16 weeks. The 48-year-old Salisbury woman, a paraprofessional who works...

Lower your frustration and just perhaps your medical expenses. Buy the E-book or print edition of EMPOWER Yourself to Cope with a Medical Challenge

Face Your Medical Problems with Dignity. Face Your Future with Optimism.

Fill your fact-finding efforts with information that helps you.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Condolences and Prayers for the Victims of More Violence


12 Cheshvan, 5778

My plans to post other material are on hold as I join people mourning the victims of yesterday's violence. I had been celebrating ANZAC's Battle for Beersheva Centennial in southern Israel, unaware of the horror in the USA.

My condolences to the survivors of the attack in Manhattan, my prayers for a complete end to terrorism.

A number of people were shot near Stuyvesant High School Tuesday afternoon, police said, and one person was taken into custody.

Buy the E-book or print edition of EMPOWER Yourself to Cope with a Medical Challenge

Face Your Medical Problems with Dignity. Face Your Future with Optimism.

Fill your time with productive behavior, your heart with peace.