Save your sanity, time & money!

Need solutions for the medication, medical appliances and/or medical travel that you can't afford? READ EMPOWER Yourself.

A Health Information Management professional, I survived a life-threatening emergency with information that only a person of my professional experience would know. And I’m sharing it!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Diabetes Do's and Dont's


13 Kiselv 5770

"Without significant changes in public or private strategies... " researchers have warned... Warned WHAT, you wonder? Warned WHOM?

In brief, the Average American and anyone else taking unnecessary risks with their food intake needs to know:

What it means, simply, is that swallowing those mall muffins, colas, fast food "meals" and other expensive stuff means you're at risk for serious malnutrition despite your high income bracket!

Yes, far too many people are becoming diabetic and/or suffering consequences of further deteriorating health due to poor food choices.

Folks, you have the educational resources for making better food choices.

If you want to know how to simplify the food preparation time, and/or clues about how to minimize the risks of losing the health you have, read

There's a GOOD reason that medical and mental health professionals recommend it to clients, patients and colleagues.

EMPOWER Yourself to PREVENT a Medical Challenge.

Yocheved Golani
Coping with a Medical Crisis?
Make the Changes You Need in Your Life

Saturday, November 28, 2009

If People with Down Syndrome Ruled the World...

12 Kislev 5770

Readers, I responded to a heartwarming online essay, written by a loving father named Rich Mistkowski. I asked his permission to present that essay at my blog. Mr. Mistkowski agreed to let me share his words with you.

Here is the essay, followed by my initial response to it:

If People With Down Syndrome Ruled The World...
Thanksgiving is a day for giving thanks! My son Mattie is a big reason for why we are so thankful. He's happy, healthy (the holes in his heart have closed & the baby leukemia is gone), handsome, and has taught me the importance being positive about everything. I received a document from someone last year and I wanted to share it with you, so that you may get an understanding of the life of someone with Down Syndrome. If you know someone with Down Syndrome, then you will get it immediately. If you don't know someone with Down Syndrome, you're in for a treat! If you get a chance, please take a moment to read it. If Down Syndrome People ruled the world, just imagine how different a world we would live in!

Great food for thought, hmm, readers?
I hope it helps you to face your medical or any other crisis.
Best, Yocheved.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Are Your Eating Habits Destroying Your Health? End that Inclusion Confusion Now!


9 Kisev 5770

Gosh, the advertising world tries to convince you that

means Good For You! You happily repaint your fortified-milk mustache, gobble vitamins, and snack on so-called foods filled with Trans Fats. Then you wonder why you're gaining weight and feeling awful.

You just don't know WHAT to include in your menu anymore. Confusion fills your brain. You just don't feel ready to run, let alone crawl, to the mall for holiday gifts.

Want to end that Inclusion Confusion?

I'm willing to help you to
think this through.

The truth is, dairy can cause joint pain due to the chemicals (including artificial hormones that probably affect your fertility and monthly cycles) in commercial cow's milk. Lo-cal snacks lack nutrition and WOW are they high in health-destroying salt stripped of its native minerals, and loaded with synthetic chemicals plus other dangerous stuff.

Wanna clear your head?

I understand.

Skip the coffee (especially dangerous decaf processed with one of the most effective cancer-causers known). Pour yourself a tall glass of fresh juice without additives. Sip slowly and read on to end your inclusion confusion.

You do NOT need
hormone-filled dairy products in your diet. Your biological balance can be thrown off by the signals it gets from chemicals that are bad for human bodies.

As for those vitamins you're sure are good for you, read
Reuters News Report Warns the World: Multivitamins can Endanger Health!

And those convenient food-on-the-go snacks? They haven't been good for you since long before
the BBC filed this Trans-Fats report .

What's left to eat when you're in a hurry? LOTS!

Grab an avocado and scoop out delicious nutrition-dense lutein so you can see better, vitamins and minerals for being better, and a mere 50 calories or so. Add it to a modest bowl of pasta or a heaping helping of vegetables. Either choice is easy to pack for workdays or school lunches and mmm, are they filling!

You'll feel and look better
for the regularly made effort.

For cold weather meals that make you feel warm & cuddled all over, fill a thermos with home made soup you simmered to perfection. If you don't know how to make soup, use this time-honored recipe, based on an instructive legend:

Stone Soup

Centuries ago, a starving beggar knocked on a poor villager's door, begging for food. The villager sadly pointed to the scraps lying about the primitive kitchen.

"Hmm," said the starving beggar. "Let's make a fire with those twigs and bits of wood lying about. Then we'll place your kettle on the flames. I'll toss in water I can draw from the well and add my Magic Stone. Let's see what happens!"

The villager had nothing better to offer, or so he thought. The fire burned merrily in minutes and the kettle heated with bubbling water.

The starving beggar plopped a pebble with great ceremony into the boiling liquid and said "Here comes the magic!" A few minutes later the villager remarked that there still was nothing to eat, unless the visitor cared to swallow a hot stone!

"Say we toss in those carrot tops you want to toss out, some bits of onion stuck to the cutting board, and perhaps those potato peels lying over there?"

The villager happily dumped what he'd thought was garbage into the brew. The beggar dropped a tiny turnip, parsnip and young squash growing in the garden into the boiling water.

"Er, may I add those meat bones you were saving for the dog?" the beggar pleaded. The villager shrugged as the bones dropped to the bottom of the brew.

A delicious aroma filled the air. Soon the two people dined on delicious, nutritious Magical Stone Soup.

You can make your own Stone Soup!

Fill the pot with root vegetables after scrubbing the skins clean under running water (they hold lots of nourishment so keep them ON the veggies not in the garbage!) and let those unpeeled veggies simmer. Toss in some spices, a few aromatic herbs. Garnish your filled soup bowl with home-grown sprouts you learned to make right here, yesterday. Have your Magical Stone Soup with some whole-grain bread and savor the health-promoting flavor.

Kitchen success is a matter of user-friendly chemistry. See Science Daily's Chemistry of Cooking for affordable, body-building ideas.

Bon apetit!

Ready for more food for thought and body-building nutrition that's easy on your time, mind and muscles? Read EMPOWER Yourself to Cope with a Medical Challenge. It's filled with adorable stories that can make you stronger. And gosh, are they easy on your wallet ;^ )

Yocheved Golani
Coping with a Medical Crisis?
Make the Changes You Need in Your Life

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

One Simple Recipe for Better Health!


8 Kislev 5770

Sprout this: People who see me live often ask for tips on how they can mimic my health-promoting habits. "Make it easy, something I can really do," they insist. " I want a healthy glow like yours!"

Here's what I tell them: One of my fast-food meals goes like this:

I buy seeds in health food shops.

I place some seeds in clean glass jars kept for this purpose, covering them with scrap cotton cloth held in place with a rubber band.

I soak the seeds in filtered water overnight.

I pour out the water into decorative plants the next morning ;^) Wait'll you see what that does for pretty blooms!

I place the jars of damp seeds at air-flow enabling angles in a cardboard box.

I cover the jars with a magazine or large envelope.

I rinse the seeds twice daily.

After repeating this process a few days,
I end up with highly nutritious,
crunchy, delicious salads!

Toss in chopped fresh tomatoes, onions, pressed garlic cloves, sea salt and the dollop of olive oil you soaked it in last night, caraway seeds fresh cranberries, raisins and/or nuts and WOW you'll dine on pure life-giving nutrition for low cost and minimal effort as I do.

My food bills are far, far lower than yours and my food-preparation efforts are minimal. My health is making doctors thing twice!

Get your adzuki bean, broccoli, mung bean, lentil, chick pea, pumpkin and other sprouty options going, then fill up on the amino acids, calcium, iron, lecithin, minerals, phosphorous, protein, Vitamins B, C, E, and other good stuff you grow on your own.

Practice until you get the sprouting right. Clean the jars after every use! Wash the cotton tops from time to time. They'll discolor from stains but that's not of concern.

Want to learn other EASY ways to help yourself to heal and maybe even prevent illness?

Buy EMPOWER Yourself to Cope with a Medical Challenge TODAY!

Yocheved Golani
Coping with a Medical Crisis?
Make the Changes You Need in Your Life

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Make Sure YOUR BABY Doesn't Have a KILLER CRIB!


7 Kislev 5770

Many of my blog fans are in Europe. You might not realize that the USA is filled with horrifying news of a crib recall promoted by the US Consumer Product Safety Commission.

The company involved is Stork Craft in Canada. I have no doubt it ships cribs overseas.

Check the labels on your baby's, grandchild's and other cribs. Compare them to those featured at

Read the instructions there and follow them. If it makes you feel better, call the phone numbers posted at the site for reassurance and instructions on what to do:

Firm's Recall Hotline: (877) 274-0277
CPSC Recall Hotline: (800) 638-2772
CPSC Media Contact: (301) 504-7908
HC Media Contact: (613) 957-2983

This message is what my efforts are all about. EMPOWER Yourself to Cope with a Medical Challenge.

Yocheved Golani
Coping with a Medical Crisis?
Make the Changes You Need in Your Life

Monday, November 23, 2009

A User-Friendly How-to Book that Improves Your Health and Coping Skills!


6 Kislev 5770

Why would you want to buy this E- book for yourself or someone else at holiday season?

It's MY Crisis! And I'll Cry If I Need To: EMPOWER Yourself to Cope with a Medical Challenge teaches readers how to rev up their energy and happiness levels on multiple levels! And WOW is it ever User Friendly;^ )

Check out some of the ideas presented in the manuscript:

One: eat nutrition-dense and age-reversing organic foods that repair cellular damage.

Two: Spend all the time you need with books, music and other media that strengthen your emotions and worldview.

Three: Count your blessings and list them on paper if that serves your emotional strengthening needs.

Four: Get into an exercise regime you can live with and enjoy (I do not advocate making yourself believe you must be a slave to the exercise gods. Working out needs to be fun so you have good short-term and long-term reasons to stick with it.).

Want to sample the text? Click the flapping pages and take the book for a test drive:

To Your ever-improving health and coping skills,

Yocheved Golani
Coping with a Medical Crisis?
Make the Changes You Need in Your Life

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Help for Holiday Shopping!


5 Kislev 5770

Make sure your gift purchases arrive in time!
Buy Online!

WHAT? You still haven't recovered from last year's Mall Madness? And you're wondering how to finish your new Hanuka, Kwanzaa, and Xmas shopping list without losing your patience, let alone your budget?

Here's an easy Holiday Helper:

and let the publisher zap it to someone's monitor. You won't even need to giftwrap the present.

Do you want to buy a book to hold in your hands? The first edition comes in a colorful paperback format. Buy it TODAY for on-time delivery!

EMPOWER Yourself to Cope with a Medical Challenge.

Yocheved Golani
Coping with a Medical Crisis?
Make the Changes You Need in Your Life

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

When Cancer Muddles the Mind


2 Kislev 5770

WOW! Yesterday, the New York Times Wellness blog had a superb piece about cancer muddling memory power. I recommend that you read
When Cancer Muddles the Mind.

I sent a note to the author that there's an E-book which provides some solutions to the blanks where memories are supposed to be. I recommend that the author of the essay and anyone with cancer read


To your better and happier memories,

Yocheved Golani
Coping with a Medical Crisis?
Make the Changes You Need in Your Life

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Are YOU Afraid of Your Heartbeat after a Good Run?


1 Kislev 5770

Doctors at Johns Hopkins Hospital and the US National Institute on Aging believe there's no reason to fear odd heartbeats after a brisk run, even if those heartbeats feel strange to you:

"Healthy, older adults free of heart disease need not fear that bouts of rapid, irregular heartbeats brought on by vigorous exercise might increase short- or long-term risk of dying or having a heart attack, according to a report by heart experts at Johns Hopkins and the U.S. National Institute on Aging (NIA).

"Researchers say such fears surfaced after previous studies found that episodes of errant heart rhythms, more formally known as non-sustained ventricular tachycardia, more than double the chance of sudden death in people who have already suffered a heart attack

Read the rest of the story at
Science Daily: Exercise-Linked Ventricular Tachycardia Is Not a Risk to Healthy Older Adults.

OK, class, put those running shoes back on and glory in the sunshine. Let your heart fill with gratitude that you can run, that the weather's gorgeous, and with whatever else you're enjoying. Power up your personal health on indoor tracks or outdoor paths.

And be sure to read a book that medical professionals recommend. EMPOWER Yourself to Cope with a Medical Challenge.

Yocheved Golani
Coping with a Medical Crisis?
Make the Changes You Need in Your Life

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Male Sexual Dysfunction and BPA...


28 Cheshvan 5770

One of the male fans of this blog, Aryeh Zelasko, alerted me to the following news item:

Workplace BPA Exposure Increases Risk Of Male Sexual DysfunctionScienceDaily (Nov. 11, 2009) ­

High levels of workplace exposure to Bisphenol-A may increase the risk of reduced sexual function in men, according to a Kaiser Permanente study appearing in the journal Human Reproduction.

The five-year study examined 634 workers in factories in China, comparing workers in BPA manufacturing facilities with a control group of workers in factories where no BPA was present. The study found that the workers in the BPA facilities had quadruple the risk of erectile dysfunction, and seven times more risk of ejaculation difficulty.

This is the first research study to look at the effect of BPA on the male reproductive system in humans. Previous animal studies have shown that BPA has a detrimental effect on male reproductive system in mice and rats.

Funded by the U.S. National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, this study adds to the body of evidence questioning the safety of BPA, a chemical made in the
Exposure Increases Risk of Male Sexual Dysfunction production of polycarbonated plastics and epoxy resins found in baby bottles, plastic containers, the lining of cans used for food and beverages, and in dental sealants.

Read the rest of the article at
Science Daily: Workplace BPA

Replace your plastic plates, cutlery, cups and the rest of your kitchenware with Cast Iron (skillets, utensils), Ceramic (mugs, plates, bowls, etc.), Fabric or genuine Paper Napkins and Place mats instead of synthetic varieties, Glass (jugs and drinkware), Porcelain (mixing bowls and pots), and Wood (dish raks, mixing bowls, serving pieces).

On the go? Drink from GLASS bottles (e.g., used wine and grape juice bottles washed clean for this purpose). And use metal trash cans instead of plastic.

By the way, consider reducing the above health risks to your children by removing all the plasticware at their table settings, in their toy supply and on their bottoms. Georgetown Universtiy Medical Center professional Dr. L. Silver and the Institute for Children's Environmental Health insist that plastic diapers and other items in childhood represent serious health concerns.

Need more convinving? Read Baby Bottle Chemicals Get Mixed Reviews and
Sippy Cups/Training Cups Can be DANGEROUS for Children.

End your doubts and vulnerabilities. Live life on the safer side of chemical reality. You can still buy glass baby bottles, rubber nipples instead of synthetics, and cotton diapers (er, plastic-lined diapers have been proven to harm to baby's reproductive organs).

Read a book about how to ease into that reality and lots of other helpful stuff.
EMPOWER Yourself to Cope with a Medical Challenge.

Yocheved Golani
Coping with a Medical Crisis?
Make the Changes You Need in Your Life

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Extreme Sheepherding for the Humor-Impaired


25 Cheshvan 5770

I don't know how you feel, but I'm in the mood for some hilarity as we head to the end of the week. Humor heals. Here we go:

Want more giggles that don't remotely affect animals or use lots of electricity? Put another smile on your face. And even a loved one's.

EMPOWER Yourself to Cope with a Medical Challenge. It's an E-book that'll get your grin back right where it belongs ;^ )

Yocheved Golani
Coping with a Medical Crisis?
Make the Changes You Need in Your Life

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Vaccination Fascination


24 Cheshvan 5770

I shared my concerns plus some preventative safety tips about the Mexican Swine H1N1 Flu on this blog several times. Medical professionals feared massive death tolls from the 21st century's pending Flu Pandemic. Mainstream media kept blaring warnings about a Spanish Flu Redux. It sold a lot of "Film at 11" updates and many newspapers. But something doesn't add up.

Color me confused.

The Mexican/Swine/H1N1 Flu Vaccine is NOT a proven preventative. It's even a suspected cause of other health problems! There's evidence that the vaccine has not been adequately tested, though it is being used on vulnerable populations: pregnant women, children with developing immune systems and immuno-compromised adults.

No matter what you call that infection,
something else odd stands out about it:

It's not killing all that many people.

Despite prognostications that we'd see Spanish Flu Death Rate Redux worldwide (e.g., Reuters' Alert, Sydney Mechanic's School of Arts, World Health Organization, and on and on) the majority of fatalities from the current Flu Du Jour are related to chronic health problems that preceded the flu infection.

Though those deaths leave heartbroken survivors behind, they are not as high as predicted by shrill warning from the media and some governments.

I consulted generalist Dr. Carey/Zvi Buckman
in Israel.

Here's how our online dialogue went:

YG: Carey, WHY is Swine Flu being touted as "epidemic" if it is NOT affecting significantly large amounts of the populations in countries where it exists?

CZB: It is a legitimate question. A pandemic is called such because of the rapidness of the spread, and the fact that it is worldwide. With thousands of people getting ill in over 20 countries, and dozens in each country dying of the illness, for which the public health agencies were unprepared (with vaccines), this merits as being called a pandemic. Whether it will turn out to be any more noxious than the usual seasonal flu is not yet clear, but the fact remains that the health establishment was unprepared for this illness.

By the way, further information disseminated today (November 10 2009), that the pandemic is not as serious as predicted, and perhaps vaccinating everyone with an untested vaccine is not warranted considering the-- as to now-- lack of overall severity of the illness, and the possible side effects of the vaccines.

So, readers, I'll stick with my original premise:

Stay clean.

Eat nourishing foods.

Drink plenty of pure water.


PRAY hard.

I alerted you to the fact that this Mexican Swine H1N1 Flu began to peak at the beginning of Iyar, a spring-time Jewish month. The initials of the month are commonly understood in Hebrew as "Ani HaShem Rofecha", I GOD am Your Healer.

I welcome your thoughts on the subject. And I recommend a terrific E-book that informs you about LOTS of low-cost and no-cost health care solutions plus terrific can-do stress-busters.

EMPOWER Yourself to Cope with a Medical Challenge.

Yocheved Golani
Coping with a Medical Crisis?
Make the Changes You Need in Your Life

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

How to ACCOMPLISH Your Goals!


23 Cheshvan 5770

I came across a terrific idea at Twitter, yesterday:

Today would be a great day to
trade in 2 excuses
for 2 promises/commitments.

Readers, he's right.

Sing a new song. One of pride, cheer and self-worth.

Reach the finish line of a goal.

Keep it realistic, & build on your success.

Yocheved Golani
Coping with a Medical Crisis?
Make the Changes You Need in Your Life

Sunday, November 8, 2009



21 Cheshvan 5770

Light up your lives with safety precautions, dear readers.

and this blog have repeatedly warned you that fluorescent bulbs pose
serious health hazards to you and to your loved ones. Ha'aretz newspaper recently informed the public about

Yes, you read that hotlinked article correctly. The correlation between using flurorescent lighting and skin cancer is too high to ignore. You can pretty much trust the fact that by the time politicians get around to sharing the facts, that medical professionals have been sharing the news for quite a while.

Need to know other simple ways to protect and to improve your health? Want to be ahead of politicians in protecting and preserving your wellbeing?

EMPOWER Yourself to Cope with a Medical Challenge.

Yocheved Golani
Coping with a Medical Crisis?
Make the Changes You Need in Your Life

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Avoid "The Horror of a Life HALF Lived." Enjoy Becoming a Healthier YOU!


21 Cheshvan 5770

First, a BIG THANK YOU to readers who've bought

Sales are rising. That's good for me and for my readers ;^ )

See the right-hand margin for what BookBuzzr fan Robert Hunds said of his take on the book.

Now, back to the rest of this blogpost ;^ )

YOWZA! My messages about non-vegetarian diets, food additives and biologically friendly hormones came on strong last week. Let's look at the issues again, with calming clarity. My book and blog put YOU in charge of your life, health and future to a large extent.

It's not your fault that you like carefully, cunningly marketed products. Advertisements can mislead you; they're designed to dampen your critical thinking skills. Chemical cocktails in popular treats lull you into complacency as you load up on no-nutrition calories and chow down with misguided, health-endangering cheer. Madison Avenue is very invested in making you feel insecure if you fail to follow the lead of greedy marketers who, uh, will not chip in for your future health care costs.

It's not YOUR fault that you enjoy colorful, long-lasting treats! Meat is delicious and nutritious. Well, it used to be. Those non-nutritious additives put into cold cuts, frozen foods and drive-thru meals are NOT user-friendly. They attack your well-being. So do snack foods and just about any processed and packaged food.

Pesticides can kill your health just as they kill off bugs.

Flavor enhancers are Fake Food Flavor,
Fooling with every mouthful as marketers
con your taste buds with killer contaminants!


Preservatives undermine basic body functions

Canned goods and other packaged foods such as cereals, snacks, etc. hold far more sugar and salt than a body needs. Your scale isn't lying when it reflects that you've packed on unnecessary pounds.


They messed with your mind.
They're ruining your health:

Obesity Linked to Specific Cancers

European Doctors Seek to End
Cancer & Other Diet-Linked
Chronic Diseases

Novelist Herman Melville shared a powerful thought. I've added one word: Avoid "The Horror of a Life HALF Lived." EMPOWER yourself to live life as health-FULLY as possible.

Go organic with that chicken, beef and other meats. Buy simple, unadulterated foods at whole foods markets, health food shops and directly from organic farmers.

Non-enhanced produce is colorful and calming. Simple foods hold a bouquet of enticing smells and flavors. You'll delight in them as you discover whole food heaven.

Take pride in your effort to reduce the dietary depth bombs attacking your very being. Smile with increasing sparkle in your eyes. Delight in decreased pain. Dance heart and soul as you decrease your dangerous dietary choices. Your decisions and self-control could put you back on steadier feet!

Increase the body-building whole foods in your diet. Slim down into a better-nourished person without feeling hungry. Your spirit can soar when you allow yourself to feel and to be better off!

Take control. Embrace a healthier life.

EMPOWER Yourself to Cope with a Medical Challenge.

Yocheved Golani
Coping with a Medical Crisis?
Make the Changes You Need in Your Life

Friday, November 6, 2009

RACE to the Finish Line!


19 Cheshvan 5770

WOO-HOO!!! I ran/walked a 5K race for charity today and crossed the finish line less than an hour after taking off! AND I beat out lots of other people who never endured what I've overcome.

Can a once-crushed elbow stop me?

Beating Brain Tumors and my personal best is a life-saving hobby!

Pass the Pity Party.

THIS BOOK can show you HOW!

It's FILLED with Affordable,

Yocheved Golani
Coping with a Medical Crisis?
Make the Changes You Need in Your Life

Here I am at the finish line, holding my Self-Help Coaching business cards and laughing in a running-soaked, Hebrew-inscribed T-shirt over my denim dress. Friends joined me in uproarious laughter over my almost 2-year Anniversary of Coping with Keeping My Almost Lost Dominant Arm VICTORY. YAY G'D!!!!!!!

My goal was NOT to win the race but to make a focused effort I could be proud of. THAT is one of the tools you'll learn in my books and coaching.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Vegetarians are 12% LESS LIKELY to Experience Cancer!


18 Cheshvan 5770

I know, I know, it's hard to give up meat and all the fixings. To be honest, I miss hot, delicious burgers, great steaks and... oh, why bore you with my list of favored foods? You have your own ;^ )

But when it comes to choosing to live in optimal health, versus lingering pain and increasing disability as a price paid for flavorful fast-food convenience, well...

Read The British Journal of Cancer Report:

Then read a can-do account of how an author you know saved her life and her sight by banning meat - and lots of health-threatening chemicals inside it - from her diet.

You don't have to go cold turkey.
EMPOWER Yourself to Cope with a Medical Challenge. Learn how to make life-giving changes in your diet and lifestyle gradually, sensibly and successfully.

Still not convinced it can pay to change your ways? OK, listen in to what American medical professional Dr. Robert DeMaria says about ADD, Asthma, Cancer, Arthritis, those raspberry-colored spots on your skin, and other stuff you never understood from a nutritional point of view.

Ready to make one or two changes in your menu now?

I'll understand when you cheat here and there. Normal people do. But watch what happens when you reduce the amount of junk going in to your digestive system. Those doctors know what they're writing about.

I'm proof of it!

You can prove it, too
when you follow
suggestions in

Yocheved Golani
Coping with a Medical Crisis?
Make the Changes You Need in Your Life

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

"Habit is Habit, not to be Flung Out the Window but Coaxed Downstairs One Step at a Time."


17 Cheshvan 5770

Do you know which famous wit said "Habit is Habit, not to be Flung Out the Window but Coaxed Downstairs One Step at a Time,"? It was Mark Twain, the beloved American writer.

Now that you're facing a medical problem, you're probably quite annoyed with all the
advice you're hearing. It takes strong self-control to stop eating all the nutrition-challenged junk you enjoy.

Exercise? When you'd rather stay under the covers
and skip painful physical or occupational therapy sessions?

Compassion is a heaven-sent gift, hmm? As you'll read in my book, "There's no 'One Size Fits All' method of calming down or gaining perspective about a medical, or any crisis!"

But you can reach a state of composed thought and behavior to live productively, under challenging circumstances. Sound reasoning enables us to choose the coping mechanisms that work for us, our specific situations.

All of us have challenges to overcome.

Georgia O'Keefe said it well: "Where I was born and where & how I have lived is unimportant... It is what I have done with where I have been that should be of interest."

Get more insight & inspiration from famous figures,
coping ideas & global medical resources

EMPOWER Yourself to Cope with a Medical Challenge TODAY!

Yocheved Golani
Coping with a Medical Crisis?
Make the Changes You Need in Your Life

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Do YOU know how to EASILY Lose Weight? Solve Fertility Problems? End Unnecessary Menopausal Symptoms?


16 Cheshvan 5770

MEN, this message is just as important
for YOU as it is for women.

The high medical & mental health practitioner praise for the "How to Cope with Medical Crises" ideas in

is one thing. What you might not realize, however, is how valuable the "Global Resources" part of the book can be.

It's FULL of information for
making your medical life easier!

Listen in to remarks by one of the cutting-edge medical practitioners whose Contact Information is included in that "Global Resources" area. Dr. Yisrael Yaffa has a LOT to contribute to your better health! Click on:

What Your Family Doctor Might Not Have Told You

Tune in as the program invites Dr. Yisroel Yaffa a conventional doctor who realizes that there is an alternative to most medical/chemical treatments. He combines a healthy lifestyle with the Naturopathic holistic approach and adds, when appropriate, hormones that are identical to the hormones produced by the body but are derived from plants. This medical practice of using Bio-Identical Hormones has been used by doctors worldwide for decades...

Impressed by what you heard on that broadcast? Need more EASY ways for coping with medical crises? Find them in an E-book. Order "It's MY Crisis and I'll Cry If I Need To: EMPOWER Yourself to Cope with a Medical Challenge" today!

Get your grin back with Giveret Golani Self-Help Coaching. And be sure to EMPOWER Yourself to Cope with a Medical Challenge.

BTW, Dr. Yaffa practices his profession in the USA, too. You'll learn more about him in

Yocheved Golani
Coping with a Medical Crisis?
Make the Changes You Need in Your Life