6 Adar 5772
Readers, I recently experienced a series of unusual circumstances that have left me physically drained and increasingly aware of the psycho-social pressures building up around the world.
Sad to say, I've encountered people who have sabotaged the lives of their families and neighbors, let alone themselves. Many of those saboteurs seem to be operating on some sort of auto-pilot, not thinking things through with clarity and honesty. Their minds seem muddled with inconsistent thoughts and contradictory priorities.
My conversations with mental health practitioners at a recent conference underscored the drama of what I've mentioned above. They're witnessing the same phenomenon.
I ask that all of you step back, reflect on and clarify what you believe to be your core values, and whether or not you're living up to them. Do what you can to shore up your clarity of mind, to refresh your spiritual take on life. Improve your relationships.
Do a reality check. Clarify your values with reputable therapists or trusted confidantes who function in constructive ways.
Integrity is when
your beliefs and actions
remain consistent
with each other.
Build inner and outer worlds. Don't destroy them with preventable mistakes.
Boost your spirits with the E-book or print edition of EMPOWER Yourself to Cope with a Medical Challenge. Buy it from Booklocker. Medical and mental health professionals recommend it.
Face Your Medical Problems with Dignity.
Face Your Future with Optimism.